• Confidentiality: You are welcome to share more or less about yourself while in a group, however, the more open you are the better the experience you will have. Even though you are attending training, you might be sharing information in group that is sensitive and personal. It is important that you feel comfortable in the online environment of the group training. All members of the group are asked to agree to confidentiality in the online group sessions. This means that each participant agrees not to share any other group member’s identifying and personal information with others. It is appropriate to share your personal reaction and feelings about group with others, but please do not share other people’s stories or other information with anyone outside of the group.
• Groups are international, bringing the richness of various cultures and experiences. Participants will speak with various accents. Respect to cultural, individual, and role differences, including those based on age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, and socioeconomic status, is required.
• The large group meetings – announced in the program as ‘Plenary # 1 or Plenary # 2; and the Gala Event, may be recorded and shared when appropriate by the organizers.
• All other sessions – workshops, process groups and the social hour, are unique to those who attend and WILL NOT be recorded by the organizers OR the participants. Participants should refrain from taking pictures of the group work and sharing it with others or on social media.
• Participants need to attend while using a quiet and safe place with no other people present in their near-by physical space.
• All cameras (video) need to be 'on' during the sessions (except when an internet problem occurs).
• All participants receive unique links to connect. Please do not share your link with anyone else.
• As the training is online, we want to be sure that we offer options if a problem with an internet connection occurs. If the technical issue occurs to the presenters, the workshop will be rescheduled.
• All participants are expected to arrive 10 min early for the session to start exactly on time. If a participant arrives late to a workshop and the warmup and sociometric exercises have advanced, the participant may not be appropriate to join. Please plan to stay throughout the entire session, including the closure.
• Gallery view allows you to see all or most participants at once. To switch from active speaker view, tap Switch to Gallery View in the upper-right corner of the Zoom window. If you do not see the controls, tap your screen to get them to appear.
• I understand and accept the following Tele’Drama Disclaimer:
The Tele’Drama sessions are educational in nature. They are not intended as therapy. Participation in all activities is voluntary.
• Sometimes there can be discomfort involved in participating in group training. You may remember unpleasant events or feelings. Please talk to the director after the meeting in order to receive support or send us an email at zoomroom.international@teledrama.org
• Grievances: All grievances must be in writing to zoomroom.international@teledrama.org and will be replied to within 5 - 10 business days.
Request for cancellation must be sent to zoomroom.international@teledrama.org by September 1, 2021. While no refunds will be given, cancellations will receive credit for the 2022 Tele’Drama Annual Conference. Credit is non-transferable and is only applicable to the person requesting the credit for the next year.