Pre-conference , Thursday, September 09th 2021
09:00 AM – 03:00 PM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
04:00 PM – 10:00 PM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
To see more details, click on each title:
“Creating Virtual Scenes Through Tele'Drama: Directing Psychodrama and Other Action Methods Online in New & Vibrant Ways” Didactic & Experiential (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Daniela Simmons, PhD, Creator of Tele'Drama
Topic: “Creating Virtual Scenes Through Tele'Drama: Directing Psychodrama and Other Action Methods Online in New & Vibrant Ways” Didactic & Experiential (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Daniela Simmons, PhD, Creator of Tele'Drama, Plenary / Pre-conference / Conference
(United States )
Directing psychodrama and other action methods online have become an important part of the work of many professionals in the field. Even with the re-opening of physical offices, many continue also working online, realizing the many opportunities for reaching a larger pool of clients and trainees, and being free of restrictions imposed by travel, time, physical conditions and additional financial obligations.
Perhaps sometimes we ask ourselves how online psychodrama can become more 'real'; how to include more action, and not to feel stuck in the ZoomRoom rectangles; and how to keep the attention of the participants in order for them to be more present and engaged.
This 6-hour workshop will demonstrate various ways in which the director may create a realistic virtual stage, keeping everyone present, engaged and safe. Staging virtual scenes on the screen; utilizing participant’s own space and various motion ambiances; creating scene settings using virtual props; and building up immersive scenes to connect and collaborate in a cohesive virtual meeting space, will be introduced and explored in action.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify five (5) ways of creating virtual scenes.
- Demonstrate various ways in which the director may utilize a realistic virtual stage, keeping everyone present, engaged and safe.
“Ethics Round Table” Discussion, Didactic & Experiential (English) (*Ethics CEs, ABE, ITI)
Erica Hollander, PhD, Andrea Wilches, Eva Fahlstrom Borg, Angela Christoph, Magdalene Jeyarathnam
Topic: “Ethics Round Table” Discussion, Didactic & Experiential (English) (*Ethics CEs, ABE, ITI)
Erica Hollander, PhD, Plenary / Pre-conference
(United States)
Andrea Wilches, Pre-conference / Conference
(Colombia / Argentina )
Eva Fahlstrom Borg, Pre-conference / Conference
Angela Christoph, Pre-conference / Conference
( Austria / Germany)
Magdalene Jeyarathnam, Pre-conference / Conference
(India )
We will bring a panel of experienced colleagues from different parts of the world, so they can talk about their experience with the issue of Ethics and their work. And from their sharing we would discuss the relevance of ethics today and what is the role that it plays today with the current changes our practice.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
1. Discuss the relevance and the importance of Ethics in the Psychodramatic field.
2. Explore a safe and respectful environment to express ideas, exchange experience's and, find helpful resources to deal with Ethical dilemmas in our practice.
“The Dreamer’s Journey – Stepping into the invisible.” Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Mark Wentworth, Filipe De Moura
Topic: “The Dreamer’s Journey – Stepping into the invisible.” Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Mark Wentworth, Pre-conference / Conference
(United Kingdom)
Filipe De Moura, Pre-conference / Conference
When we dream, be it sleeping or waking, we enter into the imaginary realms where the impossible becomes possible, and the imaginary becomes real. To be possible, we first need to be impossible and in order to become impossible we have to be invisible. Step into the wonders of the mythical and magical to search for the dream that makes me, me, and you, you. Using Dynamic Theatre and Expressive Arts we invite you to take this journey with us.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Apply aspects of Dynamic Theatre to their practice.
- Recognize and work within surplus reality.
“Group Trauma Work: To Be Held & Healed Within a Protected Space.” Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Hande Karakılıç Üçer, MD
Topic: “Group Trauma Work: To Be Held & Healed Within a Protected Space.” Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Hande Karakılıç Üçer, MD, Pre-conference / Conference
“Creating a protected space where survivors can speak the truth is an act of liberation.”
The global Covid-19 pandemic is only one among numerous past and potential future disasters which have affected and will be affecting humankind. It reminded us how human connectedness, when missing- can be damaging; while, when present - can be healing.
Relatedly, group work stands out as the mainhold of trauma interventions for both personal and collective traumas, regardless of their natural or human-made causations.
In this workshop, we are going to explore the interrelational impact of trauma and its relevance to group psychotherapy. What are the mechanisms of healing in group processes? What are the essential elements which ought to be present in groups as to enable empowerment and recovery for trauma survivors? These are several of many questions which will be explored to provide participants a better understanding of the dynamics and the functioning of trauma groups.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Examine and recognize group processes involved in group trauma work.
2. Define and plan healing factors in group trauma work.
“Meet the Traces of Our Ancestors.” Experiential Workshop (English / French) (*ITI)
Chantal Nève-Hanquet, Agathe Crespel
Topic: “Meet the Traces of Our Ancestors.” Experiential Workshop (English / French) (*ITI)
Chantal Nève-Hanquet, Plenary / Pre-conference / Conference
Agathe Crespel, Pre-conference / Conference
Certain previously experienced events leave an emotional trace through generations. By decoding this unconscious heritage, through the hidden meaning of identity-related information -birthdays, first names, surnames, occupations and positions, we will open ourselves to family memory, secrets, unspoken inthe family past. Through classic or landscape genogram, we will explore the meaning of this unconscious heritage and its effects in our life. Little psychodramatic vignette will foster our explorations.
Bring a family picture + minimum 5 strong thick different colored markers + a white paper
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify creative ways of working with family story.
2. Explore and be curious about unconscious heritage through the hidden meaning of identity-related information - birthdays, first names, surnames, occupations, positions, etc.
“Self-Compassion: Turning Toward the Self with Kindness.” Didactic & Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Catherine D. Nugent
Topic: “Self-Compassion: Turning Toward the Self with Kindness.” Didactic & Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Catherine D. Nugent, Pre-conference
( United States)
Psychologist and spiritual leader, Tara Brach, has said, “self-compassion is the ground of all emotional healing.” Many of us show great kindness to others, but have difficulty being kind to ourselves. Through presentation of concepts and research, discussion, and psychodramatic or sociodramatic role-play, we increase our understanding of self-compassion and explore ways to cultivate greater kindness and care toward ourselves. The concepts and methods explored in the workshop are relevant to work with clients or others.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- List the three core components of self-com& Germer, 2018passion (Neff, 2013; Neff)
2. Explain the “yin and yang” of self-compassion.
“Co-creating Hope for Nature, for Us and Future Generations.” Didactic & Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Reijo Kauppila, Marjut Partanen-Hertell
Topic: “Co-creating Hope for Nature, for Us and Future Generations.” Didactic & Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Reijo Kauppila, Pre-conference
( Finland)
Marjut Partanen-Hertell, Pre-conference / Conference
We are in the middle of fast changes in Nature and the environment, drowning in information and misinformation. For creating hope, we need well-argued facts and conscious choices for our actions.
What is our responsibility here and now as individuals and professionals? What actions will I take? With whom can I create hope?
The goal of this workshop is to empower participants and give them an idea of how to build and accept a sustainable planetary future with their actions.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Understand the science-based concepts of Holocene, Anthropocene and Planetary Boundaries, and the impacts of attitudes and values as a basis of conscious eco-sociological actions.
- Apply Morenian philosophy and creative methods in encounters between huge ecological changes and you and your clients.
“Hero’s Quest & The Young Girl Who Lived Compassionately.” Didactic & Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Phil Armour, Esly Carvalho, PhD
Topic: “Hero’s Quest & The Young Girl Who Lived Compassionately.” Didactic & Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Phil Armour, Pre-conference / Conference
(United States)
Esly Carvalho, PhD, Pre-conference
The Biblical story found in 2 Kings 5, recounts the quest of Naaman, a Syrian hero who had leprosy. A young, compassionate Israelite girl tells him there is a prophet in Israel who could heal him. We will embark this journey using Bibliodrama & elements of Playback Theater. This workshop will be didactic, experiential group work, and some writing exercises. No prior Biblical knowledge is required. Participants will gain both personal insight and tools to use with clients.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify basic tenets of Bibliodrama and how to apply these to clients encounter.
2. Identify techniques from Playback Theater and how to engage clients with these techniques.
Conference Day # 1, Friday, September 10th 2021
06:30 AM – 07:30 AM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
01:30 PM – 02:30 PM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Friday Early Process Groups
To see more details, click below:
Process Groups
Topic: Process Groups
Conference Process groups are open sessions with a facilitator. They are an opportunity for meeting other participants that share your interests and experiences, as well as building a community of practice. The power of process groups lies in the unique opportunity to receive multiple perspectives, support, encouragement and feedback from other individuals in a safe and confidential environment.
Facilitators TBD (to be determined)
08:00 AM – 10:00 AM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
03:00 PM – 05:00 PM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Friday Parallel Early Workshops
To see more details, click on each title:
“Sociodrama in Schools: Art and Inclusion” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Margarida Belchior, PhD
Topic: “Sociodrama in Schools: Art and Inclusion” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Margarida Belchior, PhD, Conference
This workshop will be an opportunity to act out and to reflect about how Sociodrama in schools can be used to promote inclusion and a more active learning environment, through Art, the body, spontaneity and creativity. We will start from participants experiences about schools and learning. And, using active methods on a ZOOM room, we will build together a common vision about how can schools be transformed in more inclusive, challenging and engaging learning environments.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Understand how action methods and Sociodrama can be utilized in schools to promote inclusive and active learning environments.
- Apply at least three (3) action methods techniques to increase creativity and spontaneity in schools.
“Can you hear me? Challenges and opportunities in the online psychodrama practice” Discussion (English) (*CEs)
Nikolaos Takis, PhD
Topic: “Can you hear me? Challenges and opportunities in the online psychodrama practice” Discussion (English) (*CEs)
Nikolaos Takis, PhD, Conference
(Greece )
The Covid-19 pandemic, and the measures taken globally, have brought about significant changes in group psychotherapy and psychodrama. In this presentation, we will attempt to describe the main changes in our practice and investigate their effects on some of the key dimensions of the psychodrama groups. The absence of the body is creating a new reality. Psychodrama possesses the necessary theoretical and practical tools, in order to transition successfully from face to face to an online setting.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify the components of the transition to online setting.
2. Reflect on the way major theoretical psychodrama concepts adapt to online practice.
“Finding Your True Voice - For Artists and Everyone.” Didactic and Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Filipe De Moura
Topic: “Finding Your True Voice - For Artists and Everyone.” Didactic and Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Filipe De Moura, Pre-conference / Conference
The voice is the first expression that all human beings have when they are born. It’s a call for life. A statement “I’m here”. Through life, the “voice” also represents the right to exist, the right to express, to choose, to have an opinion or to have freedom. This workshop will go beyond the vocal technique to the depth of the origin of the individual voice, whether you are an artist (singer/actor) or anyone who uses their voice in life.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Explore how to connect with their inner voice.
- Describe aspects of vocal technique.
“The Empathy Circle: Various Uses of the Empty Chair, Working with Various Groups”; Didactic and Experiential (English / French) (*ITI)
Chantal Nève-Hanquet, Agathe Crespel
Topic: “The Empathy Circle: Various Uses of the Empty Chair, Working with Various Groups”; Didactic and Experiential (English / French) (*ITI)
Chantal Nève-Hanquet, Plenary / Pre-conference / Conference
Agathe Crespel, Pre-conference / Conference
The workshop will invite participant to many uses of Empty Chair in a safe frame and context, stimulating cohesion in the group, working with the here and now, strengthened participant’s sense of personal competence, taking account of what remains unspoken, and enabling the group to see a single situation from different angles. Through many uses of the empty chair, we will experiment the Empathy Circle, created by Chantal Nève-Hanquet, particularly useful in supervision process.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify new ways of using the empty chair.
2. Foster creativity inside different kind of groups
“The Sun of Roles Sociometry” Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Tamar Pelleg
Topic: “The Sun of Roles Sociometry” Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Tamar Pelleg, Conference
The sun of roles – Exploring the rising and the setting of the roles we have played during the times of corona. This ‘paper and color’ sociometry process came to me during the times of the pandemic, it helped me and helped others navigate their way through these challenging times. Its simplicity allows participants to engage and discover what roles "rise" for them, which are "setting" and which roles are just emerging into the dawn of consciousness after the corona time or indeed another defined time. It allows a clear transparency of roles and offers a springboard to jump into a psychodrama to explore what one needs in order to make the desired changes in his own "map".
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Differentiate between 3 types of roles: Those who set down, those who rose up. Those who waits for them after pandemics.
2. Apply the diagram with their clients as a warm-up to facilitate a psychodrama on the theme of roles
"Protagonist-Centered Sociodrama - Australian/UK model"; Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Diane Adderley
Topic: "Protagonist-Centered Sociodrama - Australian/UK model"; Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Diane Adderley, Conference
(United Kingdom)
In this model of protagonist-centered sociodrama, which may particularly be useful in organizational settings, we are interested in how the individual story is embedded in the systems that surround it. We will start from an individual issue, preferably work-based, then widen it out to ownership by the group through setting out the system(s) it emanates from, to gain clarity and insight through exploring the surrounding organizational, educational, political or community circumstances which surround and may uphold the specifics situation. This will be an experiential workshop.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify how this model may differ from both psychosociodrama and sociopsychodrama as practiced widely in Europe and South America
2. Define how an individual story can be explored from a contextual and systemic perspective, without necessarily having to delve deeply into the individual's psyche.
“The Time Travel of Your Self-esteem” Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Alexandrina Milcheva
Topic: “The Time Travel of Your Self-esteem” Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Alexandrina Milcheva, Conference
( Bulgaria)
Where do you want to go with your self-esteem? Travelling to significant moments of our life can be key to finding important knowledge that can lead us to our future goals and improve our self-feeling. Using the power of the imagination and creativity you’ll be able to explore and express the pallet of your self-esteem.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Recognize how to connect better with their self-esteem.
- Examine improving their self-esteem.
“Working with Two Protagonists in Conflict.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Ina Hogenboom
Topic: “Working with Two Protagonists in Conflict.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Ina Hogenboom, Conference
( Netherlands)
A structured method to work on relationships and to bring clarity to the chaos and complexity of a conflict. Those involved will understand themselves and the other better and together look for new ways to interact with each other. This method helps those involved in increasing their perspective and achieves growth in understanding and appreciation between people.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Describe how this method works and how it helps to stay out of the blame frame.
2. Integrate this method into their working with couples.
“The Hero Within” Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Berna Gokengin, MD
Topic: “The Hero Within” Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Berna Gokengin, MD, Conference
( Turkey)
We all have some fears that can become obstacles in life. Recently the world has become fearful in a way. In this workshop we will explore our heroic roles within which help us struggle and cope with the obstacles in life. We will try to identify, embrace and maybe strengthen them using psychodrama techniques.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify their roles of strength.
2. Recognize the online use of psychodrama techniques.
“Discovering What is Beneficial for Us with a "Magic Hanger”. Experiential Workshop (Turkish/English) (*ITI)
Ece İbanoğlu, Pembegül İlter
Topic: “Discovering What is Beneficial for Us with a "Magic Hanger”. Experiential Workshop (Turkish/English) (*ITI)
Ece İbanoğlu, Conference
Pembegül İlter, Conference
The purpose of the workshop is to review useless behaviors and habits, and to discover what is beneficial for us according to our current needs within a group. Online psychodramatic action methods & Tele’Drama will be applied. The workshop begins with an invite to discover how we can take advantage of the Magic Hanger as a "spring cleaning" metaphor.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Recognize 2 or more useless behaviors and habits, and to discover what is beneficial for us according to our current needs within a group dynamic.
2. Recognize 2 or more variation of Tele’Drama Deepening Double Technique
“Sound Drama – A New Approach to Warming Up in Group Psychodrama Process Online.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Lydia Yordanova
Topic: “Sound Drama – A New Approach to Warming Up in Group Psychodrama Process Online.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Lydia Yordanova, Conference
Sounds of nature have a restorative effect on our psyche. They not only physically alter the connections in our brains, reducing our body’s natural fight-or-flight instinct, but cause deep impact on our emotions, mind and well-being. The use of sounds of nature in psychodrama sessions is a new approach, created by the presenter and called “sound drama”. In this workshop participants will be able to get acquainted with the ideas of exploring how sounds of nature could help the efficiency of the process of warming up in online group psychodrama work. A couple of specific sound drama techniques will be presented.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Demonstrate how sounds of nature could be used in the process of warming up in group psychodrama work online.
2. Apply three (3) sound drama techniques.
“New Way of Using Morenian Sociograms with an Online Platform.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (Italian / English) (*ITI)
Marco Greco, Paolo Mecacci
Topic: “New Way of Using Morenian Sociograms with an Online Platform.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (Italian / English) (*ITI)
Marco Greco, Conference
Paolo Mecacci, Conference
The workshop aims is to present, in an experiential way, a new graphical sociometry tool (Morenian Sociogram) called FaberMeter ™. The experiential workshop will start with a warming up to foster the relationship of the participants amongst each other. After that we will experiment the new online sociometric tool: FaberMeter ™. Additionally, the results of the test will be returned to the group, with space for any questions and to think together about many uses of the Morenian Sociogram in groups.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Demonstrate Morenian Sociogram through an online platform, FaberMeter ™.
2. Describe how to articulate a Sociogram tool with a group experience.
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
05:30 PM – 07:30 PM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Friday Plenary # 1: Building Intercultural Bridges: International Sociometry & Action Explorations (Conference Welcome, Daniela Simmons and the International Tele'Drama Team)
To see more details, click below:
Plenary # 1 (Friday, September 10, 2021) Conference Welcome. Building Intercultural Bridges: International Sociometry & Action Explorations. International Tele’Drama Empower Theatre (ITET); with the Tele'Drama Team (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Daniela Simmons, PhD, Creator of Tele'Drama, Andrea Wilches, Filipe De Moura, Ann Duchateau, Samuel Marcus Egber
Topic: Plenary # 1 (Friday, September 10, 2021) Conference Welcome. Building Intercultural Bridges: International Sociometry & Action Explorations. International Tele’Drama Empower Theatre (ITET); with the Tele'Drama Team (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Daniela Simmons, PhD, Creator of Tele'Drama, Plenary / Pre-conference / Conference
(United States )
Andrea Wilches, Pre-conference / Conference
(Colombia / Argentina )
Filipe De Moura, Pre-conference / Conference
Ann Duchateau, Conference
Samuel Marcus Egber, Conference
(United States / France)
12:30 PM – 01:30 PM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
07:30 PM – 08:30 PM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Friday Social Hour
To see more details, click below:
Social Hour
Ann Duchateau
Topic: Social Hour
Ann Duchateau, Conference
Some of you will prefer to rest during this hour; others will choose to join for additional networking and a fun time. Everyone is welcome to attend this hour which will be full of surprises and offered each day of the conference. Everyone will receive the link for this event.
Ann Duchateau
Host of the Social Hour
International Tele’Drama Institute (ITI), Faculty & Team Member (Belgium)
Friday 10/9:
Networking and a Fun Time
Amy Angelilli - Laughter Yoga
Hadass Pelter - Sharing Sparkling Moments of Connection (Playback Stories)
Leticia Nieto - Tending Space
Tina Stanojevic - Registration Desk
Saturday 11/9:
Networking and a Fun Time
Tanya Lynn Lee - An Hour of Sharing
Pembegül İlter - Turkish Delights
Ichiro (Okkady) Okajima - Japanese Traditional Music Hour
Monica Zuretti - Monica’s Patio
Leticia Nieto - Tending Space
Tina Stanojevic - Registration Desk
Sunday 12/9:
Networking and a Fun Time
Pembegül İlter - Turkish Delights
Ichiro (Okkady) Okajima - Japanese "Matsuri (Festival)" , the Dance and Fireworks
Pam Dudley - Tending Space
Tina Stanojevic - Registration Desk
01:30 PM – 03:00 PM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
08:30 PM – 10:00 PM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Friday Plenary # 2: A conversation with the creators of the Playback Theatre Method (Jonathan Fox & Hannah Fox, USA) / Carl Hollander's Legacy to Psychodrama (Erica Hollander, USA) / Facilitating Collective Intelligence (Chantal Nève-Hanquet, Belgium)
To see more details, click below:
Plenary # 2 (Friday, September 10, 2021) “A Conversation with the creators of the Playback Theatre Method”; “Carl Hollander's Legacy to Psychodrama"; “Facilitating Collective Intelligence” (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Chantal Nève-Hanquet, Jonathan Fox & Hannah Fox, Erica Hollander, PhD
Topic: Plenary # 2 (Friday, September 10, 2021) “A Conversation with the creators of the Playback Theatre Method”; “Carl Hollander's Legacy to Psychodrama"; “Facilitating Collective Intelligence” (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Chantal Nève-Hanquet, Plenary / Pre-conference / Conference
Jonathan Fox & Hannah Fox, Plenary
(United States)
Erica Hollander, PhD, Plenary / Pre-conference
(United States)
Jonathan Fox and Hannah Fox, Creators, Playback Theatre
(United States)
“A Conversation with the creators of the Playback Theatre Method”
Erica Hollander, PhD, JD, TEP
(United States)
“Carl Hollander's Legacy to Psychodrama: The Hollander Curve; the Psychodramatic Surprise and the Unfinished Business Techniques”
Chantal Nève Hanquet
Author, together with Agathe Crespel, of “Facilitating Collective Intelligence, a Handbook for Trainers, Coaches, Consultants and Leaders” (Routledge 2019)
“Facilitating Collective Intelligence”
03:30 PM – 05:30 PM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
10:30 PM – 00:30 AM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Friday Parallel Late Workshops
To see more details, click on each title:
"Sociometry for Sanctuary: Hale's Sociometric Cycle and Social Justice"; Didactic and Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Leticia Nieto, PsyD
Topic: "Sociometry for Sanctuary: Hale's Sociometric Cycle and Social Justice"; Didactic and Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Leticia Nieto, PsyD, Conference
(United States)
Adrienne Maree Brown has “a vision of movement as sanctuary. Not a tiny perfectionist utopia behind miles of barbed wire and walls and fences and tests and judgments and righteousness, but a vast sanctuary where our experiences, as humans who have experienced and caused harm, are met with centered, grounded invitations to grow.”
Together we will explore role evolution in the work of social change. Please bring paper and colored pencils (red, green, yellow, blue).
“Everyone Has A Story: Express Yours. The Art of Play” Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Tanja L. Lee, PhD
Topic: “Everyone Has A Story: Express Yours. The Art of Play” Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Tanja L. Lee, PhD, Conference
(United States)
“Sometimes reality is too complex. Stories give it form." --Jean Luc Godard. Through the enjoyable behavior of making images and imitations, participants will explore and tell their stories. The participants will use expressive art mediums like sandtrays, drama therapy, and other action-based methods: role reversal, empty chair, doubling, etc., to foster creativity and promote self-exploration, catharsis, witnessing, and personal growth. This workshop offers dynamic exercises that can be implemented by educators and clinicians working with children and adult populations.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Apply virtual sand tray tools to facilitate the exchange of personal narratives and reflection.
- Identify and get a better understanding of intrapersonal conflicts and experiences.
Spirituality in Trauma Recovery: A Psychodramatic Exploration Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Adena Bank Lees
Topic: Spirituality in Trauma Recovery: A Psychodramatic Exploration Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Adena Bank Lees
(United States)
Early childhood experiences of abuse, especially if it is ongoing, interfere with the developmental concept of a power, energy, or entity greater than ourselves. Trauma at other times in life can do damage as well. With the Godhead at its center, Psychodrama is the perfect method to address this interference. As stated by Ed Schreiber, Zerka Moreno describes the godhead as the autonomous healing center. This is at the core of Moreno's teachings: psychodrama, sociodrama and sociometry are methods to encounter the autonomous healing center.” Isn’t this what we know as the element of healing?
Come join us as we use the magic of psychodramatic tools to encounter the autonomous healing center’s power of transformation and recovery!
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify the importance of cultural humility when working with spiritual and religious issues.
2. Apply at least one psychodramatic technique to facilitate encounter with the autonomous healing center.
“The Spotlight of the Heart” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Andrea Wilches, John Edmonson
Topic: “The Spotlight of the Heart” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Andrea Wilches, Pre-conference / Conference
(Colombia / Argentina )
John Edmonson, Conference
(United States)
Some say living our dreams is to live our ‘Heart’s Desire.” In this workshop you will learn inspirational and evidence-based practices to empower you to, not only become more aware of your heart’s desires, but achieve the resiliency, and compassion needed to sustain the journey and live the path. The workshop will start with a brief introduction followed by a short overview of the science behind the work, and then a dive into both a meditative an experiential practice.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Recognize the basics of neuroscience, and heart resonance along with a review of the science and studies demonstrating the power of our thoughts, words, and actions.
2. Define experiential methods and meditation practices to build resiliency and trust.
“Talking and Listening about Messages from the Treasures of Daily Life.” Experiential Workshop (Japanese / English) (*ITI)
Ichiro (Okkady) Okajima
Topic: “Talking and Listening about Messages from the Treasures of Daily Life.” Experiential Workshop (Japanese / English) (*ITI)
Ichiro (Okkady) Okajima, Conference
( Japan)
We are surrounded by a lot of things in our daily lives. Some of them are important to us, and some we have used for a long time. Our relationship with these items is based on our encounters with them, which may have been given by others or found by chance at a store, as well as how we use or store them. This time, we would like to reflect on the stories we have with these "treasures" and listen to the messages from them. This method is based on what my colleagues and I experienced at a Playback Theater workshop in Japan, and we have applied it to care worker training and junior high school education in Japan, under the name of "Tresure's Message". This time, we are going to try Tresure's Message from the warm-up at TELE'DRAMA, and we would like to discuss ideas on how to implement it as TELE'DRAMA.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Recognize relationship between the object and myself.
- Recognize the beauty of listening and expressing one’s best for others.
“Creative Warm-ups for the Virtual Stage” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Pam Dudley
Topic: “Creative Warm-ups for the Virtual Stage” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Pam Dudley, Conference
(United States)
The world shut down. We were forced to stay apart. But Tele'Drama found a way to bring us together. Even in the virtual world, we can inspire connection, spontaneity, and healing. Workshop participants will learn how to use collages, pictures, and ambiance videos to warm up for the virtual psychodrama "stage," and practice in small groups. With the insight gained from this workshop, participants may discover even more innovative ways to bring inspiration into the world of virtual psychodrama.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Utilize collages, pictures and ambiance videos to enhance insight and spontaneity during the warm-up phase in the virtual setting.
- Apply the workshop principles to create new warm-up ideas or use a presented materials in an innovative way.
“Contemplation by Integrating Art-making and Mirroring Techniques.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*ABE, ITI)
Ning-Shing Kung
Topic: “Contemplation by Integrating Art-making and Mirroring Techniques.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*ABE, ITI)
Ning-Shing Kung, Conference
(United States)
Mirroring is a powerful psychodrama technique. After mirroring, the protagonist can create a distance from the scene involved, for the purpose of having sufficient space to change the scene or situation. The spontaneous and playful art activities help the protagonist be ready to step into the mirroring role. Therefore, the deep contemplation happening in the art-making increases the ability to go deeper and beyond when taking a mirroring role.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Define mirroring technique.
2. Apply art activities for helping the protagonist step into a mirroring role.
"It's Okay" Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Glenn C. Sammis
Topic: "It's Okay" Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Glenn C. Sammis, Conference
(United States)
Workshop participants will be invited explore the hopes and dreams of person's who have traumatic events and tragedies in their lives through the use of psychodramtic and bibliodramtic techniques. If they so choose they will be invited to explore their dreams that have been challenged by tragedy and trauma.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Examine the resilience of those who have experienced tragedy or trauma.
2. Apply resiliency principles as relates to hopes and dreams.
“The Time traveler's Life: A trip through Virtual Reality!” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Rhona Case
Topic: “The Time traveler's Life: A trip through Virtual Reality!” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Rhona Case, Conference
(United States)
Have you all enjoyed the trip through more than a year of Covid 19? I bet you have mixed feelings.
In this workshop we will not let Time dictate our lives. Hop into the ‘Teleporter’ and go wherever you like. Travel to times past and times in the future. Teleport yourself to anywhere in the Present you would like to be. Visit with friends and family. Maybe even change the course of life events! Imagine that and make your dreams come true!
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Examine role reversal by exploring themselves through time.
2. Create a future projection, practice scene setting, and bring it to life!
06:00 PM – 07:00 PM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
01:00 AM – 02:00 AM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Friday Late Process Groups
To see more details, click below:
Process Groups
Topic: Process Groups
Conference Process groups are open sessions with a facilitator. They are an opportunity for meeting other participants that share your interests and experiences, as well as building a community of practice. The power of process groups lies in the unique opportunity to receive multiple perspectives, support, encouragement and feedback from other individuals in a safe and confidential environment.
Facilitators TBD (to be determined)
Conference Day # 2 , Saturday, September 11th 2021
06:30 AM – 07:30 AM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
01:30 PM – 02:30 PM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Saturday Early Process Groups
To see more details, click below:
Process Groups
Topic: Process Groups
Conference Process groups are open sessions with a facilitator. They are an opportunity for meeting other participants that share your interests and experiences, as well as building a community of practice. The power of process groups lies in the unique opportunity to receive multiple perspectives, support, encouragement and feedback from other individuals in a safe and confidential environment.
Facilitators TBD (to be determined)
08:00 AM – 10:00 AM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
03:00 PM – 05:00 PM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Saturday Parallel Early Workshops
To see more details, click on each title:
The Transgenerational Impact of the Experiences of our Ancestors' Injustices; Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Cristina Schmidt
Topic: The Transgenerational Impact of the Experiences of our Ancestors' Injustices; Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Cristina Schmidt, Conference
( Austria / Romania )
The trauma of injustice impacts us at all levels. There are emotional, thinking, somatic, identity, self-esteem consequences that requires a lot of energy to cope with. When the injustice traumas are not resolved we can find its shadows influencing the descendant’s life experiences and life attitude. Find your way to bring balance in your life.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Recognize the transgenerational injustice trauma.
2. Learn how to deal with the injustice inheritage from our ancestors.
“The Sociodrama Theatre – 100 Years Later” (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Daniela Simmons, PhD, Creator of Tele'Drama, Monica Zuretti, MD, Andrea Wilches, Diane Adderley, Ron Wiener, PhD, Uneeda Brewer, Antonina Garcia, EdD, David Moran, Tanja L. Lee, PhD, Fernan Rodriguez Cetran, PhD, Manuela Maciel, Margarida Belchior, PhD
Topic: “The Sociodrama Theatre – 100 Years Later” (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Daniela Simmons, PhD, Creator of Tele'Drama, Plenary / Pre-conference / Conference
(United States )
Monica Zuretti, MD, Beacon Reunion / Conference
Andrea Wilches, Pre-conference / Conference
(Colombia / Argentina )
Diane Adderley, Conference
(United Kingdom)
Ron Wiener, PhD, Conference
(United Kingdom)
Uneeda Brewer, Conference
(United States)
Antonina Garcia, EdD, Conference
( United States)
David Moran, Conference
(United States)
Tanja L. Lee, PhD, Conference
(United States)
Fernan Rodriguez Cetran, PhD, Conference
Manuela Maciel, Conference
Margarida Belchior, PhD, Conference
This panel has gathered leading professionals to present on their creative modalities and important contributions to the field of sociodrama through their online presence during the Pandemic. All of the participants will hear summarized presentations from each of the project leaders; and then will be able to make a sociometric choice by entering another room and exploring more of a project.
- Tele’(Socio)Drama Series: A Group Test for Our Time’’: Daniela Simmons, Andrea Wilches, Hande Karakılıç Üçer, David Moran & the Tele’Drama Team
- iScan (International Sociodrama & Creative Action Network): Ron Wiener and Diane Adderley;
- People’s Scenes: Monica Zuretti, MD and Fernan Rodriguez Cetran;
- International Sociodrama Conferences: Manuela Maciel and Margarida Belchior;
- Sociodrama for Social Action: Antonina Garcia and Uneeda Brewer
Learning Objectives:
After attending this session participants will be able to:
- Recognize the various online sociodrama projects, developed during Pandemic to offer social support.
- Distinguish various professional styles for directing sociodrama.
“Psychodrama online: problems, searches, solutions” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (Russian / English) (*CEs, ITI)
Victor Semenov, PhD, Alexandra Doljenko, Zaure Tulebaeva
Topic: “Psychodrama online: problems, searches, solutions” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (Russian / English) (*CEs, ITI)
Victor Semenov, PhD, Conference
Alexandra Doljenko, Conference
Zaure Tulebaeva, Conference
The workshop offers a reflection of the experience of design and research work over the past 5 years (since 2016). Analysis of peculiarities of Psychodrama online in group, individual work, in sociodramatic work is carried out. Particular emphasis is placed on the 9 stages of development of the psychodramatic, who begins his activities in online reality. How the roles of analyst, director, therapist and group presenter in online work change. Ethical issues and problems arising in this format of work are considered. Specific psychodramatic techniques are offered in Psychodrama online (in group, individual work and in sociodrama).
Psychodrama online is delighted to Meet Tele’Drama!
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Review and explore the stages of development of a psychodramatist who works in online reality.
2. Clarify changes in the roles of the director in online work. Discuss the ethical subtleties of the online process.
“The Miracle of a Genuine Encounter” Didactic and Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Kate Bradshaw Tauvon
Topic: “The Miracle of a Genuine Encounter” Didactic and Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Kate Bradshaw Tauvon, Conference
Realizing my truest self through a genuine encounter with you! “Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other’s eyes for an instant?” Thoreau
Encounter is the real basis of the psychotherapeutic process: And when I am near, I will look at you with your eyes and you will look at me with mine. Here-and-now, just heartening us! So paraphrasing Thoreau, we’ll go confidently in the direction of our dreams! Living the life we’ve imagined.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Determine how to increase self-acceptance, increase authenticity, and increase openness to others.
2. Describe how to enhance spontaneity; and how to realize innate creativity.
“Sharing and Exploring Dreams Online.” Didactic and Experiential Workshop (Bulgarian/English) (*ITI)
Daniela Tahirova
Topic: “Sharing and Exploring Dreams Online.” Didactic and Experiential Workshop (Bulgarian/English) (*ITI)
Daniela Tahirova, Conference
Our dreams are resources for connecting to and understanding ourselves better. How do we use those resources for creating Psychodrama online? What are the opportunities that Tele’Drama has for working with the resources of the group? How can we use them for emotional support and exchange? What are the possibilities we discovered and researched together with the participants in my groups?
I offer you an experiential and didactic workshop, a Tele’Drama space to explore, make sense and use our own resources to live the dream.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Demonstrate a better understanding of the role of dreaming in awakening resources.
2. Apply at least three Tele Drama techniques in therapeutic group sessions.
“The Social Dreaming Matrix, Culture and History Events” Didactic and Research (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Domenico Agresta, MD
Topic: “The Social Dreaming Matrix, Culture and History Events” Didactic and Research (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Domenico Agresta, MD, Conference
The workshop is a presentation of a Research study in south of Italy during a religious rite that is used by community to help each other after a big earthquake. This rite is old and is fixed in the social unconscious. We use the social dreaming matrix to find dreams icons to define the historical process into the social dynamics and in the ego-identity of the community. The religious rite is from pre-Christianity period and is full of symbolism. The SDM is a tool to identify those elements.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify the use and the function of dreams icons connected with the anthropological structures.
2. Apply The Social Dreaming Matrix in research areas and psychosocial studies.
“Drama Therapy with the Elderly During the First Covid Lockdown” Didactic and Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Ofra Faiman
Topic: “Drama Therapy with the Elderly During the First Covid Lockdown” Didactic and Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Ofra Faiman, Conference
(Israel )
The presenter will show a video that was filmed of a performance at a residence for senior citizens, near Jerusalem, Israel, during the first Covid lockdown. It was entitled: “Corona Hotel” and was performed by a group of English-speaking residents whose average age is 85, none with any previous theatrical training or experience. The session will continue with exploration and a group discussion.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Examine creativity among the older generation, especially under conditions of stress.
- Apply the use of spontaneity, improvisation, humor, playfulness in the group.
“How Families and Couples of Iraq Acquire Solution for Healing their Trauma; Finding Hope and Life Fulfilment?” Stories of Success and Challenges (English) (*ITI)
Shyaw Nawroly & Ahmed Khalidi
Topic: “How Families and Couples of Iraq Acquire Solution for Healing their Trauma; Finding Hope and Life Fulfilment?” Stories of Success and Challenges (English) (*ITI)
Shyaw Nawroly & Ahmed Khalidi, Conference
In this workshop, entrepreneurs, family therapists and spouses, Shyaw and Ahmed, are telling their success story regarding their work with families.
People of Iraq have encountered so many traumatic moments that affected them on many levels. At first it made people get stuck in their unprocessed emotions. This led them to take the role of the victim in all life aspects, especially family, as a helpless authoritarian or permissive parent in relationship with a passive aggressive spouse, or in life as a victim while choosing powerlessness as a way to deal with all the political, social injustice. This collective pain remained and got bigger with no processing.
Since psycho-education is lacking in the area, the presenters will talk about their work that introduces parents to a leadership mindset in their relationship with their children; empowers spouses to hear their inner voice; giving them tools how to deal with the resistance for change; and gives them perspective on how to find balance between individualism and relationship. They empower women to be brave and have high level of self-esteem. They encourage men to express their emotions and help unmarried single individuals to deal with their unresolved trauma. In this workshop, they talk about the secrets of their success in transforming the lives of thousands of families, spouses and individuals and how their work helped them find hope, joy and fulfilment.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Recognize the specifics of the relations within Kurdish Families .
2. Recognize how a humanistic approach can help Kurdish families find hope and healing in their life.
“The Connection with the Body in Real and Virtual Space” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (Bulgarian / English) (*ITI)
Slavena Popova, Vania Ivanova
Topic: “The Connection with the Body in Real and Virtual Space” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (Bulgarian / English) (*ITI)
Slavena Popova, Conference
Vania Ivanova, Conference
During this workshop we will explore the ways in which the mental and the physical interact, the ways in which we can connect with our body.
What are the mechanisms that connect us or make us to fight with our bodies? What is important to know in order to understand “body language”? Can our body “speak” at all? Can we “transfer” our bodies to the online space and to work effectively in world which has been changing and is different than it was before? How to feel comfortable in different spaces?
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Describe the concept of the connection with the body in real and virtual space.
2. Examine how clients can have a better understanding of the connection with their body.
“Role Reversal and Surplus Reality in Virtual Space” Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Deniz Altınay
Topic: “Role Reversal and Surplus Reality in Virtual Space” Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Deniz Altınay, Conference
According to Zerka Moreno, the role reversal is a surplus reality business. Surplus Reality makes everything possible in a psychodrama group, and in this way we can all reach the knowledge of the truth. Understanding the surplus reality gives psychodramatists an important power, and this is most deeply revealed in the role-reversal processes. In this workshop, we will go into these secrets in virtual space.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Describe Surplus Reality.
2. Exploring the power of Role Reversal in Virtual Space.
“Moon's Journey: Story Cards for Psychodrama Therapy” Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Krum Krumov
Topic: “Moon's Journey: Story Cards for Psychodrama Therapy” Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Krum Krumov, Conference
In this workshop we will talk about storytelling in the psychological life of clients - adults or children. More specifically, we will examine an original tool - the Moon's Journey card set, and the ways it can be used for different purposes in the course of therapy or in a single session.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify and examine how a client behaves in a pre-designed setting;
2. Apply tools and techniques, based on storytelling, in the course of therapy or in a single-session setting
"Female Human Body and Psyche"; Didactic and Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Tihomira (Tina) Stanojevic, Abrar Ali J. Qariр, MD
Topic: "Female Human Body and Psyche"; Didactic and Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Tihomira (Tina) Stanojevic, Conference
Abrar Ali J. Qariр, MD, Conference
(Saudi Arabia)
We are complex beings, our body and mind are multidimensional and we are going through changes all the time. Relationship with the body is something that we develop and nurture our whole life. Being connected with ourselves means to be connected with our body and psychological processes.=11ptBy using Tele'drama action methods' applications, in this workshop we will create a safe space for exploring multicultural perspectives toward the female body through our individual language and communication style. Yes, it is possible and can be fun.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify several ways to explore the connection between female human body and psyche.
- Define various Tele'drama applications to create a safe space for exploring multicultural perspectives toward the female body.
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
05:30 PM – 07:30 PM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Saturday Plenary # 1: Beacon Reunion: Keeping Psychodrama History Alive (Jonathan Moreno, Regina Moreno, International students of Dr. J.L.Moreno; Facilitator: Dena Baumgartner)
To see more details, click below:
Plenary # 1 (Saturday, September 11, 2021) “Beacon Reunion: Keeping Psychodrama History Alive” (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Dena Baumgartner, PhD, Jonathan Moreno, PhD, Regina Moreno, Márcia Karp , Monica Zuretti, MD, Shirley A. Barclay, Elaine Sachnoff, PhD, Grete Anna Leutz, John Nolte, PhD, Marie-Louise Pierson, Meg E Givnish, PhD, Anath Garber, Dalmiro M Bustos, MD
Topic: Plenary # 1 (Saturday, September 11, 2021) “Beacon Reunion: Keeping Psychodrama History Alive” (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Dena Baumgartner, PhD, Beacon Reunion / Conference
( United States)
Jonathan Moreno, PhD, Beacon Reunion
(United States)
Regina Moreno, Beacon Reunion / Conference
(United States)
Márcia Karp , Beacon Reunion / Conference
(United Kingdom)
Monica Zuretti, MD, Beacon Reunion / Conference
Shirley A. Barclay, Beacon Reunion
(United States / Ecuador)
Elaine Sachnoff, PhD, Beacon Reunion
(United States)
Grete Anna Leutz, Beacon Reunion
John Nolte, PhD, Beacon Reunion
(United States)
Marie-Louise Pierson, Beacon Reunion
Meg E Givnish, PhD, Beacon Reunion
(United States)
Anath Garber, Beacon Reunion
(United States)
Dalmiro M Bustos, MD, Beacon Reunion
This panel has gathered Dr. J.L.Moreno's son and daughter, as well as students who trained with him at the Beacon Training Center in the 1960’s . Their stories will aim to recognize the history of psychodrama through the use of oral tradition.
Moderator: Dena Baumgartner, PhD, TEP (United States)
Jonathan Moreno, PhD (United States)
Regina Moreno (United States)
Marcia Karp (United Kingdom)
Monica Zuretti, MD (Arjentina)
John Nolte, PhD (United States)
Marie Louise Pierson (France)
Shirley A. Barclay (United States)
Anath Garber (United States)
Elaine Sachnoff, PhD (United States
Meg E Givnish, PhD (United States)
Dalmiro M Bustos, MD (Argentina)
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
1. Identify two examples of what life was like at the Beacon Training Center in the 60’s.
2. Recognize how Moreno used warm-up with his patients and students.
12:30 PM – 01:30 PM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
07:30 PM – 08:30 PM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Saturday Social Hour
To see more details, click below:
Social Hour
Ann Duchateau
Topic: Social Hour
Ann Duchateau, Conference
Some of you will prefer to rest during this hour; others will choose to join for additional networking and a fun time. Everyone is welcome to attend this hour which will be full of surprises and offered each day of the conference. Everyone will receive the link for this event.
Ann Duchateau
Host of the Social Hour
International Tele’Drama Institute (ITI), Faculty & Team Member (Belgium)
Friday 10/9:
Networking and a Fun Time
Amy Angelilli - Laughter Yoga
Hadass Pelter - Sharing Sparkling Moments of Connection (Playback Stories)
Leticia Nieto - Tending Space
Tina Stanojevic - Registration Desk
Saturday 11/9:
Networking and a Fun Time
Tanya Lynn Lee - An Hour of Sharing
Pembegül İlter - Turkish Delights
Ichiro (Okkady) Okajima - Japanese Traditional Music Hour
Monica Zuretti - Monica’s Patio
Leticia Nieto - Tending Space
Tina Stanojevic - Registration Desk
Sunday 12/9:
Networking and a Fun Time
Pembegül İlter - Turkish Delights
Ichiro (Okkady) Okajima - Japanese "Matsuri (Festival)" , the Dance and Fireworks
Pam Dudley - Tending Space
Tina Stanojevic - Registration Desk
01:30 PM – 03:00 PM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
08:30 PM – 10:00 PM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Saturday Plenary # 2: Psychodrama and Structural Family Therapy (H. Charles Fishman M.D., Developer of Structural Family Therapy, New Zealand) / A conversation with the creators of the Bibliodrama Method (Peter & Susan Pitzele, USA)
To see more details, click below:
Plenary # 2 (Saturday, September 11, 2021) (A) H. Charles Fishman, MD: Psychodrama and Structural Family Therapy / Peter and Susan Pitzele: A Conversation with the creators of the Bibliodrama Method” (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
H. Charles Fishman M.D. , Susan & Peter Pitzele
Topic: Plenary # 2 (Saturday, September 11, 2021) (A) H. Charles Fishman, MD: Psychodrama and Structural Family Therapy / Peter and Susan Pitzele: A Conversation with the creators of the Bibliodrama Method” (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
H. Charles Fishman M.D. , Plenary
(New Zealand )
Susan & Peter Pitzele , Plenary / Conference
(United States)
H. Charles Fishman M.D.
Early Developer of Structural Family Therapy, Co-author (with Salvador Minuchin) of the book “Family Therapy Techniques” (Harvard University Press)
(New Zealand)
“Psychodrama with the Family: Psychodrama and Structural Family Therapy”
The fertile mind of JL Moreno influenced many psychological schools including Structural Family Therapy (SFT). Its roots in psychodrama, provides an effective intervention. The technique of enacting problematic interactions corrects dysfunctional family patterns within the clinical session. A video of 41-year woman with life threatening anorexia of 20 years duration, demonstrates the power of the technique. A two-year follow-up video and a 20-year follow-up provides the outcome evidence of the effectiveness of the treatment.
Peter, PhD and Susan Pirzele,
Creators, Bibliodrama
(United States)
“A Conversation with the creators of the Bibliodrama Method”
Learning Objectives:
After attending this session participants will be able to:
- Identify Structural Family Therapy applications in Psychodrama.
- Recognize how techniques of enacting problematic interactions corrects dysfunctional family patterns within the clinical session.
03:30 PM – 05:30 PM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
10:30 PM – 00:30 AM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Saturday Parallel Late Workshops
To see more details, click on each title:
“Back to the Garden: Questions for Adam and Eve” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Susan & Peter Pitzele
Topic: “Back to the Garden: Questions for Adam and Eve” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Susan & Peter Pitzele , Plenary / Conference
(United States)
This workshop will offer both a brief didactic account of Bibliodrama as it evolved from Psychodrama before launching into an action-exploration of the Garden of Eden story.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Understand the psychodramatic aspects of Bibliodrama.
2. Determine whether they wish to learn more about Bibliodrama
“Birthing New Dreams with the Canon of Creativity.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Deborah Shaddy
Topic: “Birthing New Dreams with the Canon of Creativity.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Deborah Shaddy, Conference
(United States)
To dream is the first step. Many new beginnings show up as possibilities, as "nudges" that propel us to think of doing/creating something different. Moreno's Canon of Creativity provides the framework from which to understand both the relationship between creativity and spontaneity and the use of these concepts to bring the dream into reality. This workshop will provide an opportunity to both identify new dreams and provide the means to creating it .
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify the key elements of the Canon of Creativity.
2. Apply the elements of the Canon of Creativity and have an embodied experience of the Canon of Creativity.
“Exploration of Philosophy through Tele'Drama” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Samuel Marcus Egber
Topic: “Exploration of Philosophy through Tele'Drama” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Samuel Marcus Egber, Conference
(United States / France)
In this workshop, participants will explore the understanding of a basic philosophical concept within the context of Tele’Drama. Through sociometry, we will select a topic that may include, for example: Determinism vs Free-will, Plato vs Aristotle, Martin Buber’s distinction between I-It and the I-Thou, Eastern philosophy vs. Western philosophy, etc… then select a protagonist and incorporate the use of role-reversal, doubling, etc. to expand our comprehension of the concept, understand how it relates to our everyday lives, and determine how this process can be actively applied in a variety of ways, in a multitude of settings.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Demonstrate how Tele’Drama activities can be used to inspire deep philosophical dialogue.
2. Identify a philosophical concept and how its comprehension can be useful for individual and communal evolvement.
“The Lost Self: Traumatic Brain Injury, Trauma & Identity” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Colleen Baratka, Deborah Karner
Topic: “The Lost Self: Traumatic Brain Injury, Trauma & Identity” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Colleen Baratka, Conference
(United States)
Deborah Karner, Conference
(United States)
There is a tsunami of role change after an mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) /Trauma which often results in severe identity confusion and relational challenges in all systems: family; employment; legal; medical among them. This workshop will explore the responses of the mTBI and Traumatized brain to daily events and use Moreno’s role theory to contextualize individual and systems treatment.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Recognize from a neurological perspective a person’s changed response to daily life events after experiencing an mTBI and trauma.
2.Describe how to contextualize treatment for the challenge of role change and role loss after experiencing an mTBI and trauma using Moreno’s Role Theory.
“Exploring Our stories Coming in, Coming Out” Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Jennie Kristel
Topic: “Exploring Our stories Coming in, Coming Out” Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Jennie Kristel
(United States)
After two long years we are finally Coming Out! In this workshop we will explore breakthroughs that arise from “coming out”- coming out of our shells and into our lives, perhaps finding a new way to express ourselves along the way. How has coming out allowed you to find your authentic voice? We will co-create our workshop using creative, embodied structured witnessing, including: sociometry, Playback Theatre and elements of the “Listening Hour” to explore our stories of Coming Out.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify the Listening Hour and explore 2 parts of the Listening Hour process
2. Will examine and describe the process of “Coming In/coming Out”
“Finding the Godhead in the Space Between: Working with Couples” Didactic, Discussion & Experiential (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Pamela Goffman
Topic: “Finding the Godhead in the Space Between: Working with Couples” Didactic, Discussion & Experiential (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Pamela Goffman, Conference
(United States)
This workshop will dive into the philosophical concepts of Psychodrama and Imago Relationship therapy and how they augment each other. We will explore Psychodrama concepts of Autonomous Healing Center, Encounter, Canon of Creativity and the Godhead and how they relate to the philosophy of Imago Relationship Therapy. Didactic, discussion and experiential learning will be used. If you are interested in conceptualizing Psychodrama methods for couples, or simply explore the way you think about healing, this workshop is for you!
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Recognize co-responsibility and co-creation of relationship dynamics.
2. Conceptualize healing in the dyadic relationship
“The Journey to Insight: Using the Labyrinth for Warm-up to Action.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*ABE, ITI)
Jacqueline Fowler
Topic: “The Journey to Insight: Using the Labyrinth for Warm-up to Action.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*ABE, ITI)
Jacqueline Fowler, Conference
(United States)
The ancient design of labyrinths is well known as a tool for meditation and reflection, as well as its benefits to reduce mental and physical symptoms of stress. Walking the labyrinth can also be used to warm-up a group for action, as well as closure at the end of a group (the warm-up to separation). In this session, you'll experience "walking" on your own miniature finger labyrinth, spontaneous or free writing, and working both individually within a virtual group, and as a group sharing individual insight and self-care.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Describe one way to use the labyrinth, personally or professionally, as a warm-up for action.
2. Examine the extent to which labyrinth meditation affects perceived changes in their own mind, body and spirit.
"SHOW ME! Psychodrama and Sociometry goes Digital"; Didactic & Experiential (*ITI)
Carlos A Raimundo, MD
Topic: "SHOW ME! Psychodrama and Sociometry goes Digital"; Didactic & Experiential (*ITI)
Carlos A Raimundo, MD, Conference
Carlos introduces the theoretical foundation and use of RCompass, digital sociometry and Play of Life app, a digital psychodrama. Participants will be able to introduce case studies where the tools will be applied. Applicable for personal, family and corporate applications, especially designed for online work. Incorporate the apps into any therapeutic modality, psychoanalysis, psychodrama, Gestalt, CBT, EMDR, NLP. Applicable to depression, trauma, PTSF, and effectively deal with relational issues. Participants will have access to the applications and receive a discount for further training.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
1. Describe the neuroscience behind expressive therapies;
2. Demonstrate the use of RCompass and Play of life app
“Care for the Caregiver - Using Mindfulness to Calm Your Brain.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Darlene Vanchura
Topic: “Care for the Caregiver - Using Mindfulness to Calm Your Brain.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Darlene Vanchura, Conference
(United States)
Are you so busy taking care of others that you don’t have time for yourself? It is an easy trap to fall into! Or are you so critical of yourself for not doing enough to take care of others. Play Back Theater techniques will be used to become more mindful. Come take some time for yourself to relax, enjoy, be playful, and connect with others. It’ll do your heart good!
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Recognize how the way we think affects how we manage emotional pain in our lives.
2. Recognize how the mind can calm the brain and help the body to relax.
“Intercultural, Multicultural, and Virtual Identity in the 21st Century” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Samuel Yie
Topic: “Intercultural, Multicultural, and Virtual Identity in the 21st Century” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Samuel Yie, Conference
(South Korea)
It is becoming harder to define one’s culture by geographic location, national borders, or possibly even race. For example, a person (especially adolescents) might identify themselves by the YouTube or TikTok channel they subscribe to. The workshop will explore how modern society’s multicultural aspect inevitably make people to accept complex identities that might not fit into any norm of nationality or demographics. It will address how we should look at group dynamics out in our fields.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Understand the complexity of cultural identity and strengthen their sensitivity towards cultural differences while interacting with individuals and groups.
2. Explore their own cultural anchors that differentiate or associate themselves to the different communities and/or cliques.
“Rehearsals for Growth: Applied Improv for Relationship Therapy.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Daniel J. Wiener, PhD
Topic: “Rehearsals for Growth: Applied Improv for Relationship Therapy.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Daniel J. Wiener, PhD, Conference
(United States)
Rehearsals for Growth (RfG) is an action method, a drama therapy of relationships in which improvisational theatre games are utilized to achieve therapeutic ends. Use of RfG games playfully promotes attentiveness and mutual validation among family and group members, explores alternatives to unproductive, recurrent patterns of relationship interaction and increases the emotional expressiveness of all participants.
This experiential workshop will take participants through four simple well-tested RfG games useful in therapy and demonstrates important pragmatics of their clinical application.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Understand the usefulness of staging dramatic enactments for clients.
- Apply four (4) improvisational games to relationship therapy.
06:00 PM – 07:00 PM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
01:00 AM – 02:00 AM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Saturday Late Process Groups
To see more details, click below:
Process Groups
Topic: Process Groups
Conference Process groups are open sessions with a facilitator. They are an opportunity for meeting other participants that share your interests and experiences, as well as building a community of practice. The power of process groups lies in the unique opportunity to receive multiple perspectives, support, encouragement and feedback from other individuals in a safe and confidential environment.
Facilitators TBD (to be determined)
Conference Day # 3 , Sunday, September 12th 2021
06:30 AM – 07:30 AM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
01:30 PM – 02:30 PM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Sunday Early Process Groups
To see more details, click below:
Process Groups
Topic: Process Groups
Conference Process groups are open sessions with a facilitator. They are an opportunity for meeting other participants that share your interests and experiences, as well as building a community of practice. The power of process groups lies in the unique opportunity to receive multiple perspectives, support, encouragement and feedback from other individuals in a safe and confidential environment.
Facilitators TBD (to be determined)
08:00 AM – 10:00 AM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
03:00 PM – 05:00 PM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Sunday Parallel Early Workshops
To see more details, click on each title:
"Psychogenealogy and Transgenerational Psychodrama" (*CEs, ITI)
Manuela Maciel
Topic: "Psychogenealogy and Transgenerational Psychodrama" (*CEs, ITI)
Manuela Maciel, Conference
Our goal is to clarify and transform the dysfunctional psychological invisible loyalties and “scripts of life” from people of previous generations with whom there was some “unfinished business” or traumatic event. We will use active methods such as psychodrama, toys sculptures, genosociogram and psychogenalogy exercises and also we will have a theoretical presentation and discussion about the main concepts and transgenerational phenomena involved.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify main Transgenerational Phenomena
- Demonstrate a transgenerational Psychodrama
“Digital Board Sociometry for Exploring Gender Issues.” Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Hande Karakılıç Üçer, MD, İnanç Sümbüloğlu
Topic: “Digital Board Sociometry for Exploring Gender Issues.” Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Hande Karakılıç Üçer, MD, Pre-conference / Conference
İnanç Sümbüloğlu, Conference
During this workshop, digital tools will be used to explore gender roles and their reflections onto daily life. The participants will have the opportunity to experience moments where they will be free to share occurrences/instances/incidents from their own culture and thus get in touch with the universal dimensions of the theme, that is gender issues. The final aim of the workshop will be for each participant to create their own personal map surrounding this theme and to revel in the sociometric presence of the group.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Explore gender roles and their reflections onto daily life.
2. Define and create their own personal map surrounding gender issues.
“Exploring Dreams Through the Pandemic” Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Magdalene Jeyarathnam
Topic: “Exploring Dreams Through the Pandemic” Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Magdalene Jeyarathnam, Pre-conference / Conference
(India )
Participants can bring their dreams, daydreams and fantasies and we will explore them through psychodrama. J. L. Moreno, method of dreamwork but it was not until 1951 that he published “Fragments from the Psychodrama of a Dream” a verbatim transcript of a session. Moreno perceived the dream itself to an inner theatre: in psychodrama the inner is externalized so it can be worked on therapeutically. Instead of telling the drama, we enact it.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify insight through the reenactment of their dreams.
2. Examine the co-creation of alternate options along with the group (Blatner 1988
“Exploring Slavic Archetypes.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Bojana Glusac Draslar
Topic: “Exploring Slavic Archetypes.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Bojana Glusac Draslar, Conference
The ancient Slavs believed that wisdom, once written down, would become hermetically sealed, dogmatic. That is way they did not write. This is the reason why Slavic mythology is not well known today. On the other hand, it gives us space, without any prejudices and expectations, to approach these archetypes with our intuition and through collective experience and find friends among them. Exactly how Slavs used to do it some centuries ago. Let’s do it their way!
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Examine personal connections with the presented archetypes.
2. Describe Slavic Mythology and the Pantheon.
“Helping Others in Removing Personal Blocks in Their Life.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English / French) (*ITI)
Carolina Becerril
Topic: “Helping Others in Removing Personal Blocks in Their Life.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English / French) (*ITI)
Carolina Becerril, Conference
( France)
After attending this workshop participants will be able to identify some blocking situations that interfere of their development as desired. A vignette at the beginning could be a warmup because the identification with the protagonist in this vignette
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Recognize how the unconscious could be a factor of fear to go away from traumatic situations.
2. Examine with the group various life situations as factors of blockages.
“Let's Dream a Fairy Tale Together.” Experiential Workshop (Bulgarian / English) (*ITI)
Irina Vandova, Kalina Tosheva, Violeta Azis
Topic: “Let's Dream a Fairy Tale Together.” Experiential Workshop (Bulgarian / English) (*ITI)
Irina Vandova, Conference
Kalina Tosheva, Conference
Violeta Azis, Conference
The workshop will give the opportunity for the participants to get in touch with the inner processes of the individual and collective unconscious. We will use Tele’Drama, Psychodrama and analytic interpretation of the Jungian paradigm. Together, we will explore symbols, dreams, phantasies, myths and fairy tales. The participants will "live the dream" and find out the symbolic meaning of the scenes as well as the wide spectrum of roles in the psychodrama. Among the "real roles", we will explore imaginary ones like "zoom - the carrier pigeon of the future". During the workshop everyone will be able to experience and convince themselves that the "narrow" online space not only does not limit perspectives, but also gives additional ideas and broadens one's fantasy.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Examine inner processes of the individual and collective unconscious.
2. Recognize at least three (3) Tele’Drama techniques.
“Living the Dream: Which One? Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Mark Wentworth
Topic: “Living the Dream: Which One? Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Mark Wentworth, Pre-conference / Conference
(United Kingdom)
What does it mean to “live the dream”, is it here and now or in a future that I will never quite arrive at? Whose dream is it anyway, is it mine or has it been subtly fed to me over the years about what it should be and what it should look like? This could be a nightmare! Let’s step into the dreamtime together using Colour PsychoDynamics® and action-methods to find your dream, your one Big dream.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Apply and introduce colour techniques into their practice.
2. Apply and introduce colour dream methods into their practice.
“Living Your Dream - It's the Way You See Your Life.” Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Mirjana Jovanovska Stojanvska, PhD
Topic: “Living Your Dream - It's the Way You See Your Life.” Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Mirjana Jovanovska Stojanvska, PhD, Conference
(North Macedonia )
In the workshop, using online psychodrama techniques, we will answer together many questions: Will you try to make your life match your dreams? Will you turn what you have into your dream? Does living your dream mean that you experience personal freedom and choices? Is it true that we live our dream only if we believe it to be so? What do you need to live your dream? Are you honest with yourself what really makes you happy? Let's dream together and learn how to live the dream.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify some of the ways they stop themselves from living their dream.
2. Recognize some dreams in reality.
“Playback Theatre as a Method in Coaching, Counselling and Therapy” Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Ann Duchateau
Topic: “Playback Theatre as a Method in Coaching, Counselling and Therapy” Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Ann Duchateau, Conference
Playback Theatre converts personal stories into improvised theatre pieces. When participants in a group play back to each other, they practice their empathic (listening) ability. Playing back increases also their creativity, spontaneity, authenticity, the trust in their intuition and in the wisdom of their own bodies. Participants will experience how a few simple forms can be used to work with your participants and clients. Expand your creative practice and experience how Playback Theatre contributes to personal growth and fun!
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify how Playback Theatre can help groups and individuals socially, emotionally and cognitively.
2. Apply at least one Playback Theatre forms.
“PostScriptum” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Galabina Tarashoeva, MD, PhD
Topic: “PostScriptum” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Galabina Tarashoeva, MD, PhD, Conference
Have you ever written a letter in your mind to someone you never sent? Have you ever been unable to fall asleep from the words that go through your head and push to be addressed to someone who deserves them, but some force does not allow you to do so? In that case, you can come and write her/him a psychodramatic letter. And help others to write their own by trying to read between its lines.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify how to use the technique "the psychodramatic letter”.
2. Examine their skills for doubling and empathy.
“The Magic of the Magic Shop” Didactic and Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Eva Fahlstrom Borg
Topic: “The Magic of the Magic Shop” Didactic and Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Eva Fahlstrom Borg, Pre-conference / Conference
This shop is not like any other shop you have ever visited! It is a vibrant shop where the customers can come and buy whatever they need to transform old patterns and get a better life.
The Magic Shop gives you a humorous experience and opportunity to reflect upon your life patterns and the roles you have taken on or have been assigned. It is also meant to give you a new chance for a personal transformation and the opportunity to add on new qualities and to give up nonfunctional ones (or to limit them).
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Increase your spontaneity and detect what is blocking you.
2. Describe how to negotiate better with yourself in a caring and humorous way!
“The Triumph of Humans Encountering Planetary Boundaries – Who Shall Survive?” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Marjut Partanen-Hertell
Topic: “The Triumph of Humans Encountering Planetary Boundaries – Who Shall Survive?” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Marjut Partanen-Hertell, Pre-conference / Conference
While spreading out over the Planet humans have created fast changes in ecology which the unborn generations will face. We need a new way of thinking and behaving in order to follow Moreno´s ideas of co-responsibility and co-creation of the world. We will ponder how knowledge and creative action methods give hope and support us and our clients at work, private life and in political life to make responsible actions in order to evolve from being a victim to a survivor.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Understand the science-based concept of Planetary Boundaries, which illustrates the ecologically safe operating space for humans.
2. Recognize and identify in themselves Moreno’s notions of Cosmic Being and Co-creator and get ready to reform the cultural conserves.
“We Must Take Humour Seriously.” Didactic and Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Márcia Karp
Topic: “We Must Take Humour Seriously.” Didactic and Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Márcia Karp , Beacon Reunion / Conference
(United Kingdom)
“If I hadn’t had a sense of humour, I should have committed suicide long ago.” Mahatma Gandhi.“
Humour in therapy gives perspective. Participants will enact scenes where humour succeeded to release the autonomous healing centre. The “laughter chair technique” will be demonstrated, discussed and applied. Humour in professional and personal experience is applied in action.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Apply humour in therapy.
- Identify the value the use of humour to find deep places to work.
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
05:30 PM – 07:30 PM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Sunday Plenary # 1: Moreno and Quantum Physics: Mysticism, Social Justice, Tele, Encounter, Integration (Edward Schreiber, USA) / Bipersonal Psychodrama, is it possible? (Rosa Cukier, Brazil)
To see more details, click below:
Plenary # 1 (Sunday, September 12, 2021) “Moreno and Quantum Physics: Mysticism, Social Justice, Tele, Encounter, Integration”; “Bipersonal Psychodrama, is it possible?” (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Rosa Cukier, Edward Schreiber
Topic: Plenary # 1 (Sunday, September 12, 2021) “Moreno and Quantum Physics: Mysticism, Social Justice, Tele, Encounter, Integration”; “Bipersonal Psychodrama, is it possible?” (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Rosa Cukier, Plenary
Edward Schreiber, Plenary
(United States)
Edward Schreiber, LPC, TEP
Zerka Moreno Foundation
Lesley University
(United States)
“Moreno and Quantum Physics: Mysticism, Social Justice, Tele, Encounter, Integration”
Moreno's mysticism (the autonomous healing center) is related directly to quantum entanglement. We will take a look at this in this Plenary. Consider these ideas as a warm up to the Plenary: "In a real sense all life is interrelated in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny." Martin Luther King. "This (our method) is similar to what quantum physicists describe as the unified field." Zerka Moreno
Rosa Cukier
Author, Psychodramatist, Psychoanalyst, Trainer, Supervisor by SOPSP - Psychodrama Society of San Paulo and by the J.L. Moreno Institute of São Paulo
“Bipersonal Psychodrama, is it possible?”
Rosa Cukier will describe her way of working in one-on-one psychodrama, starting with the initial interviews, going through the client's warm-up, the director's warm-up, setting up the initial scene, dramatizing the initial scene, dramatizing children's scenes triggered by the association with the opening scene and scenes of repairing children's wounds.
12:30 PM – 01:30 PM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
07:30 PM – 08:30 PM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Sunday Social Hour
To see more details, click below:
Social Hour
Ann Duchateau
Topic: Social Hour
Ann Duchateau, Conference
Some of you will prefer to rest during this hour; others will choose to join for additional networking and a fun time. Everyone is welcome to attend this hour which will be full of surprises and offered each day of the conference. Everyone will receive the link for this event.
Ann Duchateau
Host of the Social Hour
International Tele’Drama Institute (ITI), Faculty & Team Member (Belgium)
Friday 10/9:
Networking and a Fun Time
Amy Angelilli - Laughter Yoga
Hadass Pelter - Sharing Sparkling Moments of Connection (Playback Stories)
Leticia Nieto - Tending Space
Tina Stanojevic - Registration Desk
Saturday 11/9:
Networking and a Fun Time
Tanya Lynn Lee - An Hour of Sharing
Pembegül İlter - Turkish Delights
Ichiro (Okkady) Okajima - Japanese Traditional Music Hour
Monica Zuretti - Monica’s Patio
Leticia Nieto - Tending Space
Tina Stanojevic - Registration Desk
Sunday 12/9:
Networking and a Fun Time
Pembegül İlter - Turkish Delights
Ichiro (Okkady) Okajima - Japanese "Matsuri (Festival)" , the Dance and Fireworks
Pam Dudley - Tending Space
Tina Stanojevic - Registration Desk
01:30 PM – 03:00 PM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
08:30 PM – 10:00 PM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Sunday Plenary # 2: INTERNATIONAL GALA, Conference Closing (An entertaining live musical and dance program with professional performers from various countries and genres; Hosts: Andrea Wilches, Argentina & Filipe De Moura, Portugal)
To see more details, click below:
INTERNATIONAL TELE'DRAMA GALA: An entertaining live musical and dance program with professional performers from various countries and genres. The International Tele'Drama Gala is our signature event and it is highly enjoyable for those who attend. Relax and enjoy; or sing along and dance together with entertainers from around the world. Expect amazing surprises!
Hosts: Andrea Wilches (Argentina) and Filipe De Moura (Portugal)
03:30 PM – 05:30 PM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
10:30 PM – 00:30 AM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Sunday Parallel Late Workshops
To see more details, click on each title:
“Theatre of the Oppressed & Psychodrama for Social Dialogue, Empowerment and Transformation” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Daniela Simmons, PhD, Creator of Tele'Drama, Osta Iwobi
Topic: “Theatre of the Oppressed & Psychodrama for Social Dialogue, Empowerment and Transformation” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Daniela Simmons, PhD, Creator of Tele'Drama, Plenary / Pre-conference / Conference
(United States )
Osta Iwobi, Conference
(Nigeria/ United States)
Theatre of the Oppressed is a method, created by the Brazilian practitioner, Augusto Boal. It includes theatrical forms that Augusto Boal first elaborated on in the 1960s, initially in Brazil and later in Europe and North America, promoting social and political change. This workshop will demonstrate the major branches of Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) and how they relate to psychodrama and sociodrama: Image Theatre, Forum Theatre, Invisible Theatre, Newspaper Theatre, Legislative Theatre, Analytical Theatre, Rainbow of Desire, Breaking Repression, Photo romance, Rituals and Masks.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify at least three Theatre of the Oppressed techniques that can be utilized in psychodrama
- Describe the similarities between the Theatre of the Oppressed and Psychodrama methods.
“Addict Man and Other Auxiliary Voices” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
David Moran
Topic: “Addict Man and Other Auxiliary Voices” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
David Moran, Conference
(United States)
Moreno defined Psychodrama as “seeking the truth Through Dramatic means”. We will us a Sociodrama to explore the Truth of Addiction, the power of the voices over the persons. Trauma takes away voice and choice, addiction Creates a dysfunctional voice and choice. Recovery offers a reclaiming of that voice and choice as their own.
Workshop gives expression to the Addict as an aux egos. We understand the power of the drug, but we will experience the Deeping Double “Addict Man”.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Learn the use of Role Reversal, Mirroring, Doubling and Deeping Doubles as tools of intervention in addiction and recovery•
- Experience the power of the addiction as auxiliary voices and the need and power of the external resources as auxiliaries to create Internal resources.
“Allies & Foes Along the Way” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Phil Armour
Topic: “Allies & Foes Along the Way” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Phil Armour, Pre-conference / Conference
(United States)
As we pursue dreams, there will be both allies and foes along the way. Sometimes they are external and sometimes they are internal. Participant will be asked to reverse roles with their own allies and foes (both internal and external). Participants will come away with techniques they can use both for themselves and with clients. This workshop will be an integration of didactic, experiential group work, and some writing exercises.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Demonstrate the technique of reversing roles with roles that have been identified as allies or foes.
2. Examine their relationship with roles that have been identified as allies or foes.
“Dreaming of Research, Writing, and Teaching: The Psychodrama Scholar-Practitioner.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Scott Giacomucci, DSW
Topic: “Dreaming of Research, Writing, and Teaching: The Psychodrama Scholar-Practitioner.” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Scott Giacomucci, DSW, Conference
(United States)
This workshop is designed for psychodrama practitioners/students interested in expanding their role repertoire to include researcher, writer, or teacher. This experiential workshop will include teaching on Morenian history/philosophy and sociometric/psychodramatic processes related the scholar-practitioner identity. Participants will reflect on their own relationship to research, writing, and teaching while further warming-up to these roles and supporting others to do the same. Moreno’s role modeling as a scholar-practitioner will be highlighted, along with discussion on the importance of integrating psychodrama into academia.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify one historical example of Moreno’s involvement in academia.
2. Describe one way psychodrama would benefit from more integration with academia.
“Integration of Harm Reduction and Action Methods In Clinical Practice” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Jordan Miller
Topic: “Integration of Harm Reduction and Action Methods In Clinical Practice” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*CEs, ITI)
Jordan Miller, Conference
(United States)
This workshop will cover topics related to oppression and public health and its impact on substance users. Presenter will discuss her therapeutic work, integrating both harm reduction and Moreno's action methods to reduce risk of accidental overdose and/or death.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify trauma as public health issue and its relationship with substance misuse.
2. Integration of harm reduction and action methods in clinical practice
“Looking at the Six Big Emotions (Plus One)” Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Dena Baumgartner, PhD
Topic: “Looking at the Six Big Emotions (Plus One)” Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Dena Baumgartner, PhD, Beacon Reunion / Conference
( United States)
All emotions have value, be in our dreams or reality. This workshop will allow participants to learn about and play with the six big emotions as seen by psychology. We will use surplus reality and sculpting to define and witness these emotions. The group will end with enacting the plus one emotion. Time to come and experience life through emotions.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify six major emotions as seen my psychology.
2. Define sculpting and how to use when talking about emotions.
“My Dream Team” Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Angela Christoph
Topic: “My Dream Team” Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Angela Christoph, Pre-conference / Conference
( Austria / Germany)
Thinking about your future self, what companions are at your side to support you? Get an overview of different facets, clarity about helpful and less helpful parts and identify good matches. This workshop is about getting to know your inner world better. Come and explore which roles and inner parts are inside of you that help you to fulfill your dreams.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify their own needs and wants.
2. Identify the next steps to fulfill them.
“Sociopsychodrama Whales and Memory” Didactic and Experiential Workshop (English / Spanish) (*CEs, ITI)
Monica Zuretti, MD, Fernan Rodriguez Cetran, PhD
Topic: “Sociopsychodrama Whales and Memory” Didactic and Experiential Workshop (English / Spanish) (*CEs, ITI)
Monica Zuretti, MD, Beacon Reunion / Conference
Fernan Rodriguez Cetran, PhD, Conference
Sociopsychodrama is the chosen method to help discover the gift of messages hidden within the group and nature. The whale cards we shall be using to "warm up" were designed by Fernan Rodriguez Cetran. Using these cards is a pathway and a tool to help unfold and discover personal, social, and /or cosmic memories hidden in the deepest past of our histories. Whales are known as "humankind memory" and the cards have registered artistically different moments as well as expressions.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Discover and use some new possibility of sociopsychodrama.
2. Understand the way in which art can be used.
“Teaching Some Moves to Dance with Feelings.” Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Jaye Moyer & Jacquie Siroka
Topic: “Teaching Some Moves to Dance with Feelings.” Experiential Workshop (English) (*CEs, ABE, ITI)
Jaye Moyer & Jacquie Siroka
(United States)
Feelings are the spark of us! They bring joy or cause a lot of trouble. They cannot be changed, but we can shift our attitude toward them. We learn to hold feelings with kindness, creating a safe holding environment from which we investigate. We can choose constructive actions and expand roles. Meditation will teach the holding environment while we investigate our emotions. When clarity is present, we can attune and attend to what we need. Sociometry, enactment, role reversal, doubling utilized.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Define key components of holding environment.
2. Identify questions that facilitate investigation of feelings.
“Tele' Drama's Magic Shop” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Betty G Garrison
Topic: “Tele' Drama's Magic Shop” Experiential & Didactic Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Betty G Garrison, Conference
( United States)
Come one, come all to Tele' Drama's Magic Shop where you will be enchanted and dazzled by the many magical and mysterious manifestations of your multitude of desires. Engage in the alchemy of transformation, finding new strengths in exchange for a dash of your many assets.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- To demonstrate Magic Shop and Positive Psychology.
2. To identify Character Strengths and potential areas of growth.
“The Role of Ritual in life & Psychodrama” Didactic and Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Leila Frondigoun
Topic: “The Role of Ritual in life & Psychodrama” Didactic and Experiential Workshop (English) (*ITI)
Leila Frondigoun, Conference
(United Kingdom)
This workshop will take participants through a psychodrama session to explore the concept of ritual. Kellermann believes the entire procedure of psychodrama is a form of ritual, and he draws the parallel of the use of ritual in real life to assist transitions (Kellerman, p, 1992, p135). This workshop invites participants to consider the stages in the process of psychodrama as a series of shared rituals. Participants can reflect on whether rituals are observable in the application of the techniques of scene setting, doubling, mirror and role reversal. This workshop will invite participants to consider that there is much more to ritual than the ceremonial activities associated with religion. Perhaps we undertake a form of ritual when we tend to the human body, the time of day, each other, the divine, to ground us in the material world and the daily grind.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this workshop participants will be able to:
- Recognize the role of ritual in their daily lives.
2. Examine rituals in psychodrama through the lens of Moreno's 4 universals.
06:00 PM – 07:00 PM Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)
01:00 AM – 02:00 AM Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Sunday Late Process Groups
To see more details, click below:
Process Groups
Topic: Process Groups
Conference Process groups are open sessions with a facilitator. They are an opportunity for meeting other participants that share your interests and experiences, as well as building a community of practice. The power of process groups lies in the unique opportunity to receive multiple perspectives, support, encouragement and feedback from other individuals in a safe and confidential environment.
Facilitators TBD (to be determined)